A high-volume manufacturing Industrial Sheet Plant providing high quality services for sheet metal cutting, bending, rolling and tube and pipe shaping. Working in the spirit of partnership, COMBEDIMANCHE is always ready to offer advice and focus on your design and service needs.
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Our knowledge and expertise of ‘ street furniture, lettering and facade cladding allows us to provide durable design solutions enhancing your communication projects, organised events (irrespective of location) and construction projects.
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We produce – to EC standards and can produce to different requirements depending on the country– road trailers with a maximum authorised weight of 3500kg, plant and machinery trailers for handling and warehousing (which may exceed this weight) and spare parts.
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We offer our expert support to meet all your manufacturing and industrial subcontracting requirements both in France and abroad (we already export to over 35 countries), putting our knowledge and skills at your service to ensure a successful partnership.

For all your projects requiring Sheet metal parts, Trailers, Street Furniture and Long Product Shaping, COMBEDIMANCHE /ACL/ CBS is your partner of choice.

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